Wednesday 26 February 2014

ShaniceEmily; Behind every collection is the pages of research.

ShaniceEmily; Behind every collection is the pages of research. 

With research being such an important if not one of the key components of a collection, i really wanted to focus to have a strong powerful message.

I started by using what i saw as a strong influence through Vivienne Westwood's work, and that was the 18th century, seeing the strong prints and fabric manipulations were ver inspiring.

So i started by look at the 18th Century I looked closely at mens wear and Mens style at this time. (Although I'm doing womens)

These are examples from a Fashion book (Title to be confimred)

I then moved off to look at 18th Century art, and kicked of my research at the National Portrait Gallery 

I then thought about were at the time amazing paintings would of been found, and discovered the detail of art found in churches, and rather than looking at standard church i wanted to look at derilick churches as i thought i would be able to get a ton of inspiration form them.

St Martins church in Slivertown - Urban 75

Of course i couldn't leave it there and saw a derlick building on my way home one day, and decided to stop to get a few images.
When i was taking the images I had a look round to see the damage, once i was done i looked at the dirt on my hands and this took me somewhere else.

As you an see from the pictures i was then strongly inspired by all the lines, and at this point was ready to but all my ideas down, on some research pages, and think about constructing my concept board.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

ShaniceEmily; Vivienne Westwood

I am currently working on a collection by ShaniceEmily for Vivienne Westwood, and this blog will let you follow my step by step process.

My intent is to create a visual stimulating blog that has a focus and a interest point.

                   'I felt it was time to come back to base, to a classical point'

                                                              "Vivienne Westwood"

Studying and identifying some  key aspects of a designer of the likes of Vivienne Westwood is stimulating and exhilarating but can also be very challenging, as she has had such a mesmerising career that continues today.
Looking closely at her work and reading interviews, I noticed the strong influence of history within her work and whilst creating my own fresh concept I decided to have this as a strong player in the mix.
The following images are Vivienne Westwood pieces from her early years to current, which are going to follow on to inspire me.


                       1; Vivienne Westwood Corset, Private collection/Bridgeman Art Library

                                                        2; British Vogue September 1990

3; Photographs by Robyn Beeche, Dressing Up 1991

4; Photograph by Gunter Parth, Anglophila 2002-3

                                                              5; Photographer Unknown