Sunday 16 March 2014

ShaniceEmily; FinalLineUp

The final line up is like the icing on the cake its all the research and hard work coming together to represent the overall outcome but to also show the concept through the clothing.

My Line up shows everything i want it to it has the dark haunting colours representing the dark abandoned church's along with the light soft flowing melody representing the soft 18th century art work.

The Final Line Up ;

ShaniceEmily; Picking my final selection

After developing my outfits i picked out a my favourite ones, and the ones i felt fitted in with my concept best, showcasing my images through design.

I then paired them up to how i felt they fitted best together, and came up with my final line up, i hand drew all my flats and created my range.

Final Range Plan;

ShaniceEmily; Developing outfits

After i did a  lot of initial design development,  I started to put outfits together and developing them, as outfits.

Here are my selections pages that have a few of the outfit selections on ;

ShaniceEmily; Were the design starts

Using all the amazing research i have discovered i can now start using this to start the design process.

Here is some of the first development i have done,

ShaniceEmily; The research never stops

When creating a project, research is something that is ongoing, as the project progress's the research leads. This is the route my project has taken. Here i have included more of my research pages, along with fabric research, fastenings and samples.

ShaniceEmily ; Colour&Fabric

On the colour and fabric boards i wanted to let them fit in with the concept board and have a clear relation so i used pictures of the concept board, I also kept the layout similar, and also included the key image that i had got my colours from.

Colour Board ; 

Fabric Board ; 

Using fabrics from my further research i selected the ones that fit in with both my colour board and my research, so now i have an idea of fabric i can start the design process.

ShaniceEmily; Creating the Concept Board

Concept Board ;

After i had visited museums and seen abandoned buildings i use all of this to put together a final concept board that would show all my research, i wanted the concept board to be powerful and effective. 

I also had to come up with a title that i felt fitted in with the overall concept, i wanted some thing that was dark but also had relation to all the 18th century art.

Haunted Melody ;